Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Scholarship Opportunity at UCLA ! (see attachments)
Sent: Friday, February 17, 2012 7:11 PM
Subject: IFLA Student Volunteer Opportunity!Student Volunteer Opportunity!INDIGENOUS KNOWLEDGES: LOCAL PRIORITIES, GLOBAL CONTEXTS
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions Presidential Programme Spring meeting
University of British Columbia | Vancouver, BC, Canada | April 12-14, 2012<>This is an opportunity for students interested in Indigenous and traditional knowledge--its creation, organization and access--to better understand the local and global issues under discussion in various parts of the world and by many types of cultural, heritage, and community groups and organizations.The programme includes distinguished speakers from around the world representing many viewpoints and interests. Through the sharing of knowledge and experiences, we hope to advance the understanding of traditional knowledge at both the local and international levels.A critical part of this event is gathering perspectives on the role of Indigenous Knowledges in IFLA's work worldwide. Student volunteers will help elicit and record these perspectives.Example Volunteer Roles: Campus Guides, Elders Lounge Hosts, Social Media Coordinators, Longhouse Greeters, Envisioning Circle Ambassadors, Video Team, Interview Team, Newsletter Writers and Editors, and Registration AttendantsParticipation Benefits: Networking with future colleagues, developing skills in writing & interviewing, enjoying excellent local indigenous cuisine, contributing to a legacy project, and Free Registration!
Interested? Email the Student Volunteer Coordinator:<>
Please indicate if you have a preference for roles you would like to participate in and if you bring particular skills that you would like to highlight.Are you in Vancouver?
Join us for a volunteer information session on Wednesday, March 14th - 11am - Noon.
Trail Room - Suite 470 - Irving K. Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall==================================
Lisa P. Nathan Ph.D.
Assistant Professor, First Nations Concentration Coordinator
The iSchool @ UBC
School of Library, Archival and Information Studies
The University of British Columbia | Vancouver
Suite 470, Barber Learning Centre 1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z1
Phone 604 218 6596<>
2) Please share this information widely.
NOTE MARCH 1, 2012 Deadline
Emerging Archival Scholars Program
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)
9-13 July 2012
The Archival Education and Research Institute (AERI) is pleased to announce a recruitment and outreach scholarship program to encourage minority students at the undergraduate and graduate levels to consider undertaking doctoral education focusing in Archival Studies,a multidisciplinary field that examines the social, cultural, political, and technological imperatives and professional practices of record keeping and remembering in society.The program, which is supported by the Institute of Museum and Library Services, is designed to introduce students to the nature of doctoral education and the rewards and demands of a research-oriented career, e.g., as a professor, in the archives field. Our goal is to stimulate and begin to nurture the growth of a new and more diverse generation of scholars who are versed in interdisciplinary research that addresses issues in Archival Studies, broadly conceived.
Up to six Emerging Archival Scholars will be selected and awarded a scholarship that will cover round-trip travel, accommodation, and most meals to attend the annual weeklong Archival Education and Research Institute, attended by faculty and doctoral students from the U.S. and around the globe. The next Institute, AERI 2012, will be held at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) from 9-13 July 2012. During the Institute, each scholarship recipient will be assigned both a faculty research and a Ph.D. student mentor who will help Scholars navigate the Institute and the intellectual and social environments. In addition to mentors, scholarship recipients will participate in a workshop discussing application processes and expectations for Ph.D. programs in the U.S. and internationally as well as the nature and scope of future possible careers. They will also participate with other AERI attendees in workshops, seminars, and field trips. For Scholars who indicate an interest in pursuing a Ph.D. in this field after attending AERI, mentors will be selected for them to work with on a continuing basis and they will be alerted to other possible opportunities, such as bridge programs, additional scholarships and research opportunities that might be available through AERI or at different academic institutions.Scholars may also be selected or volunteer for fuller immersion into the research process and be assigned (with their agreement) to a research team that will involve the student in a supervised research project that will last no longer than a year. In this case, participants may be invited and funded to present their research results in a poster session at AERI in 2013.
American citizens and lawful permanent residents are eligible including, but not limited to, persons who are African American, Hispanic/Latino, Asian/Pacific Islander, Native American, or Puerto Rican, as well as other individuals who will add diversity to the field of Archival Studies.Applications will be considered only from undergraduate students who have completed their junior year, and students who have completed their first year of a Master’s degree program, but have not received a Master’s degree by the time AERI 2012 begins. Applicants must have a grade point average of at least 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) and be successfully moving toward an academic major in any field. No prior knowledge of or experience in Archival Studies is required.
Students interested in applying for one of the available scholarships must provide the information below:
· Official transcripts of all academic courses completed a your current academic institution at the time of application
· Two letters of recommendation from faculty members familiar with the student's work
Completed applications are due no later than March 1, 2012. Awards will be announced by March 30, 2012.
Resumes, application forms, personal statements, and letters of recommendation should be submitted electronically to
Official transcripts should be postmarked by March 1, 2012 and mailed to
Dr. Kelvin White
School of Library and Information Studies
University of Oklahoma
401 W. Brooks, Bizzell Library, Room 120
Norman, OK 73019-6032
Cargill Heiress Leaves $6 Billion to Support American Indian Art, Animals !
Cargill Heiress Leaves $6 Billion to Support American Indian Art, Animals
Before her death in 2006, Margaret A. Cargill could sometimes slip through a gala crowd virtually unnoticed. The granddaughter of agribusiness titan W.W. Cargill had given away as much as $200 million to charity during her lifetime, yet she was determinedly press-shy. The low-profile munificence continues. With the settling of her estate last year, about $6 billion, mainly in Cargill Inc. stock, has gone to two of her three philanthropies, the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation, formed at her death, and her Anne Ray Charitable Trust. The sum placed her at No. 1 on the Chronicle of Philanthropy’s 2011 ranking of charitable donations, published this month, and made her groups, gathered under the umbrella of the Margaret A. Cargill Philanthropies, among the most asset- rich in the U.S.
NPR: Through Video, Lakota Students Reject Stereotypes
Unhappy with portrayals of Native Americans in mainstream media, a group of students from South Dakota's Rosebud Sioux Reservation created a video to show that their community is about more than alcoholism, broken homes and crime. The students are visiting Washington, D.C., on Monday to lobby Congress for increased funding for schools on reservations. Filmed in black and white, the student-produced video More Than That takes viewers through the hallways, classrooms and gymnasium of the Rosebud Sioux Reservation's county high school.
AP: From Negro Creek to Wop Draw, place names offend
Just east of Victorville in California's Mojave Desert two bluffs rise 3,000-feet from the valley floor. A 1949 map by the U.S. Geological Survey officially gave them the name locals had called them for as long as anyone could remember: Pickaninny Buttes. The name, a pejorative term that represents a caricature of black children, was likely bestowed because African Americans attempted a settlement near the Lucerne Valley at the turn of the last century. Whatever the reason, it stuck — and still has the propensity to shock.
Colville Tribes win $193M for mismanaged lands
The Confederated Colville Tribes announced an agreement Friday to accept a $193 million settlement offer from the federal government for mismanaging tribal lands. The agreement is one of the largest Indian trust mismanagement settlements in U.S. history, Colville Tribal Chairman Michael Finley told The Wenatchee World ( ). The U.S. Department of Justice is expected to sign the agreement in the next two weeks, Finley said.
Travel Spotlight: South Carolina’s Surfeit of Ancient American Indian Artifacts
South Carolina has recently been in the news thanks to the Republican primary, where the state shocked many, on both the right and the left, by handed Newt Gingrich a large victory over Mitt Romney and the rest of the Republican presidential hopefuls. Well, there is a lot more to South Carolina what the most recent news cycles have suggested. The state is home to an incredible amount of well perserved, extremely old American Indian artifacts, some of which have caused quite a controversy (in the scientific world rather than the aforementioned political).
HuffPo: New Indigenous Reserve Aims To Save A Fading Culture
It was February 4th, 2012, and Romero Ríos Ushiñahua, leader of his people and one of the last members of the Maijuna tribe was witnessing a ceremony to declare the nearly 1-million acre Maijuna Reserve. I was privileged to be on hand that day, and to see history in the making. The Maijuna Reserve declaration was the culmination of years of efforts by the Maijuna People, in conjunction with conservationists and the government of Loreto, Peru.
South Dakota tribe asks judge to limit beer sales in tiny Neb. town that borders reservation
Leaders of a South Dakota American Indian tribe who are suing beer makers, distributors and retailers are now asking a judge to restrict alcohol sales in a tiny Nebraska town that borders their reservation. The Oglala Sioux Tribe added the request late last week to a federal lawsuit that seeks $500 million in damages for the alcohol-related problems on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation.
Through Video, Lakota Students Reject Stereotypes
Unhappy with portrayals of Native Americans in mainstream media, a group of students from South Dakota's Rosebud Sioux Reservation created a video to show that their community is about more than alcoholism, broken homes and crime. The students are visiting Washington, D.C., on Monday to lobby Congress for increased funding for schools on reservations. Filmed in black and white, the student-produced video More Than That takes viewers through the hallways, classrooms and gymnasium of the Rosebud Sioux Reservation's county high school.
Totem pole to honor slain Seattle woodcarver
A memorial totem pole in honor of John T. Williams is being raised at Seattle Center Sunday as a symbol of justice and community. A procession of hundreds of community members carried the totem pole from Pier 57 to the Seattle Center, where it will be gifted to the city of Seattle. John Williams was shot by Seattle police Officer Ian Birk in 2010. He had just crossed a street while holding a knife and a block of wood when Birk ordered him to drop the knife and then shot him to death. The killing outraged many, who saw it as an unnecessary use of force. Birk later resigned.
The Rapid Rise of Pinterest’s Blockbuster User Engagement !!
“Time on site” is one of the most valuable metrics for social networks, publishers and online marketers. More than mere follower counts or even pageviews, the amount of time users spend with your content is always top priority in the quest for user engagement.
Social network superstar Pinterest has enjoyed hockey stick growth in recent months, but it’s also worth noting that the time visitors spend browsing and pinning has also increased sharply.
Independent film and entertainment studio Lionsgate holds the majority (30%) of the market share of fitness DVDs. Naturally, the company decided to create a YouTube channel comprised of athletic content. What it didn’t anticipate is how effectively Pinterest could promote its YouTube presence.
Launched Jan. 3, 2012 as part of YouTube’s Original Content initiative, Lionsgate BeFit features dozens of workout videos from celebrity trainers like Jillian Michaels and Jane Fonda. The channel posts to YouTube once a day, with the goal to generate as many viewers as possible to each video within 48 hours.
And what has been BeFit’s most successful traffic generator? Pinterest.
Digital brand and content manager of Lionsgate, Tahndi Campbell, says that within five days of Feb. 1, when Lionsgate introduced video content to its Pinterest profile, Lionsgate BeFit’s YouTube activity doubled, from 200,000 to 400,000 views. “I think we are reaching our audience in such a way that makes them highly, highly engaged with our product,” says Campbell.
Brands, media organizations and retailers alike are celebrating astounding referral traffic, thanks to Pinterest. Lionsgate is turning that traffic into views, and those views into advertising opportunities. The majority of Lionsgate BeFit’s pins are YouTube videos, which Pinterest users can watch right on The views not only count toward the channel’s YouTube traffic, but users are also exposed to the video’s original ads as well, which helps for future monetizing opportunities.
“We look at Pinterest as a way to cultivate an audience that is actually going to click the links and get that initial burst of traffic to our YouTube channel,” says Campbell. She explains that the more viewers they attract to YouTube, the higher the chance for continued engagement and commenting. “That’s going to send our video up in the search results, up in featured and suggested video. Then, it’s in front of a whole new audience on YouTube, even if we only drive 20 [Pinterest] people there who are highly engaged users.”
Anyone concerned that Pinterest users don’t actually click the links that host original content need only look at the numbers. Pinterest is now among the top five websites to drive referrals, and is neck and neck with Twitter at 3.6% of referral traffic. For some women’s lifestyle magazines and retailers, Pinterest referrals have already surpassed Facebook’s.
Social media manager of Lionsgate home entertainment, Megan Peterson, has observed that Pinterest users are very apt to search for pins’ original websites. “Pinterest users are very source hungry,” she says. “They want to know where that picture’s from, they want to know where they can get that workout, or where they can get that recipe.”
Since brands are still determining which content works best on Pinterest, Lionsgate decided to use other social media platforms to inform its Pinterest activity. “If we post a video on Facebook and it gets a certain amount of shares, then chances are if we post it on Pinterest, its going to get the same amount of pins. We’ve seen that to be true,” says Campbell.
Similarly, they don’t want to bombard their Twitter audience by tweeting every single pin. “Not everything needs to be pinned because that’s annoying on the Twitter feed,” says Peterson. “You don’t want to just be pinning and tweeting, at the same time, everything you’re doing.”
Finally, Lionsgate celebrates the inherently personal nature of Pinterest. “If you look at our Pinterest page, it really looks like a girl is speaking to what it is that she’s trying to work on on her body,” says Campbell. Where other social networks lack a human quality, Pinterest allows brands to create personas based on taste that speak to very specific demographics.
Using Pinterest, Lionsgate has managed to achieve twofold success: The brand has not only cashed in on the hottest new social network, but it has used its Pinterest presence to strengthen YouTube views. Will Pinterest continue to surprise us?
Our friends at Statista have gathered a bit of data from comScore to illustrate just how engaged Pinterest users have become over time, and in comparison to other networks. In January 2012, users spent the same amount of time on Pinterest as they did on Tumblr — on average, 89 minutes per user.
Do you find yourself getting sucked into Pinterest for extended periods of time? Share your experience in the comments below.
Chart courtesy of
Twitter Is Selling Your Old Tweets !
The Mail Online reports that DataSift is the first such company to get access to the tweets, which go back two years. Another 1,000-plus companies are on DataSift’s waiting list.
DataSift confirmed the report to Mashable, but Twitter could not be reached for comment. The former has launched a product called DataSift Historics, which lets companies extract insights and trends that relate to brands, businesses, financial markets, news and public opinion, a rep says. DataSift will analyze public tweets, not private ones. If you delete a tweet, it’s deleted from DataSift’s archives.
Selling old tweets would be one way to monetize Twitter’s archive. So far, Twitter’s focus has been on building revenues by advertising to its 100 million or so active monthly members rather than selling its data.
Twitter makes the bulk of its revenues through advertising. A private company, Twitter doesn’t disclose its finances. However, eMarketer estimates that Twitter will earn about $259.9 million this year and $399.5 million in 2013.
The latest revelation is sure to rankle privacy advocates, who have so far focused on Google and Facebook. Both of these companies have been accused of having too free a hand with consumer data.
What do you think? Do you care what Twitter does with your old tweets? Sound off in the comments.
Privacy campaigners condemned Twitter yesterday for allowing businesses to buy access to its archive of millions of tweets.
About seven million people in Britain use the social networking website to post short messages to ‘followers’.
Most believe their tweets are unavailable to those outside their chosen network after a week because that is when they can no longer be searched for on the site.
More than 1,000 companies have joined a waiting list to use the data, compiled from around 250 million Tweets a day
But Twitter has archived every tweet – there are about 250 million a day – and has agreed a deal allowing the UK-based company Datasift to trawl through all those posted since January 2010.
The company will use the information to help firms with marketing campaigns and target influential users.
The licensing deal is part of Twitter’s plan to generate revenue from its service, which is free to its estimated 300 million users worldwide.
But the move has alarmed privacy campaigners, with the online rights group the Electronic Frontier Foundation describing it as ‘creepy’.
Nick Pickles, director of the Big Brother Watch campaign group, said: ‘People may consider tweets to be personal property but this deal makes clear they are not. Our personal posts on social media are yet another way for advertisements to be better targeted and that’s a very lucrative industry.
‘It’s clear that if you’re not paying for a service, you are not the customer – you’re the product.’
Datasift charges companies up to £10,000 a month to analyse tweets posted each day for anything said about their products and services.
It claims to have a waiting list of up to 1,000 clients wanting to riffle through the huge Twitter archive for data that could help them target advertising and develop marketing campaigns. Private accounts and tweets that have been deleted will not be indexed by Datasift.
Gus Hosein, of the watchdog group Privacy International, said: ‘People have used Twitter to communicate with friends and networks in the belief that their tweets will quickly disappear into the ether.
‘The fact that two years’ worth of tweets can now be mined for information and the resulting “insights” sold to businesses is a radical shift in the wrong direction.
‘Twitter has turned a social network that was meant to promote global conversation into a vast market-research enterprise with unwilling, unpaid participants.’
Justin Basini, of the data privacy company Allow, said: 'Marketers will stop at nothing to get hold of your data. This move shows all those throwaway tweets have suddenly become a rich new revenue stream for Twitter.
'It has taken a stream of consciousness, analysed it, bottled it and sold it for a profit. And the worst thing is, you never knew it was going to happen.'
Datasift searches through 250 million Tweets a day. It is one of two companies so far offered access to Twitter's 'firehose' - all the information that flows through the site Graham Cluley from security firm Sophos said, 'The news will surprise some. Twitter has found another way to monetise its service, having partnered with a firm which will make it simple for market researchers working for big companies to search and analyse the last two years of your Twitter updates.
'You thought that tweets you posted months ago had vanished, or were simply hidden away so deeply and awkwardly on the Twitter website that they would be too difficult to uncover? Think again.'
But Datasift’s Tim Barker said: ‘It should come as no surprise to users that their tweets are archived – they can see every update they have ever sent on their timeline.
‘Twitter was always created to be a public social network.’
The row comes amid privacy concerns on other social networks.
Facebook has been criticised after admitting it can read the text messages of those who use the service on their mobile phones.
And the web giant Google has also come under fire for collecting data about internet users.
Datasift is one of two companies granted access to Twitter's 'firehose' - the full amount of data streaming through the site.
'DataSift goes beyond what many social media monitoring companies do,' says founder Nick Halstead.
'Instead of just searching on keywords such as 'Nike', DataSift can search on all the people, products, and links associated with the company, then slice and dice the data for different departments such as marketing, product and the like.'
Google+ Users Spent Just 3.3 Minutes There Last Month / Pay Up for Your Patents
The gulf between usage on G+ and Facebook has always been large, but comScore’s numbers show a downward trend for Google’s fledgling social network. Users spent 4.8 minutes on the network in December and 5.1 minutes in November, the report said.
The usage figures come after Google has trotted out some impressive stats outlining Google+’s growth. In a call with analysts last month, Google CEO Larry Page said Google+ had 90 million users compared to 40 million in October.
Reps from Google could not be reached for comment on the report. In the past, Google has taken issue with third-party reports about Google+, noting that they don’t track users who access the site remotely, among other factors. (ComScore doesn’t include mobile users in its data, though it plans to soon.)
Google is putting a huge amount of emphasis on Google+. Last April, Page told employees that 25% of their annual bonuses would be tied to the company’s social strategy that year, which primarily involved the yet-to-be-announced Plus. The company also integrated Google+ results into searches in January, a program it calls “Google Plus Your World.”
Despite the latest report, though, there’s some encouraging news for Google: Website-Monitoring crunched the numbers this month and found that Google+ is getting less male dominated and is catching on big in India, where 13.69% of Plussers now originate.
Yahoo to Facebook: Pay Up for Your Patents
Yahoo wants Facebook to start paying for its right to use various Internet technologies that Yahoo says it holdspatents for.
If Yahoo aggressively pursues a strategy of asserting its intellectual-property rights, it could lead to a new phase of patent wars, this one involving some of the biggest names in social networking.
In a statement first reported by The New York Times, Yahoo told Mashable it “has a responsibility to its shareholders, employees and other stakeholders to protect its intellectual property.”
“We have invested substantial resources into these innovations,” the statement continued. “We must insist that Facebook either enter into a licensing agreement or we will be compelled to move forward unilaterally to protect our rights.”
Yahoo also said other “web and technology companies” had licensed its technology, but it refused to name any of them when asked.
The patents Yahoo holds involve many different technologies for helping websites deal with data and multiple users. One such patent even has to do with “Centralized registration for distributed social content services.”
That patent appears to apply to basic functionality to any social network, including entering personal information and selecting which parts of it are visible to others.
A spokesperson for Facebook told the Times, “Yahoo contacted us the same time they called The New York Times and so we haven’t had the opportunity to fully evaluate their claims.”
Yahoo’s IP threat is an ominous sign that the world of web platforms could be in for an era of legal infighting similar to what has happened around phones and mobile technology in recent years. In addition to Yahoo,Amazon and Microsoft hold many patents that deal with the modern web.
Amazon, for example, holds a patent on a “social networking system capable of notifying users of profile updates made by their contacts,” which also sounds like basic Facebook functionality.
The move also helps define the new Yahoo. Over the past several months, Yahoo fired its CEO, hired a new one, and saw one of its co-founders and its chairman leave for good.
From the appointment of current CEO and former PayPal guru Scottt Thompson, Yahoo appears to want to make a name for itself as a tech company again.
Does starting a patent war with Facebook serve that strategy? It’s hard to say, though it’s a bold if odd choice as the first order of business for the “new Yahoo.”
Is Yahoo right that Facebook is infringing on its IP and should pay up? Or is this just a dinosaur Internet company’s last roar? Sound off in the comments.
BONUS: How Yahoo’s New CEO Can Make the Company Relevant Again
Yahoo partnered with Microsoft to have Bing power its search engine a couple of years ago, part of a deal that let Yahoo run advertising for both. While the arrangement may make sense from a financial standpoint, it robs Yahoo of direct control over one of its primary products, and strengthen's Bing's brand more than Yahoo's. Sure, most people familiar with tech were using Google or Bing anyway, but the move basically told them to never come back.
Those tech-savvy people are influencers, and Yahoo needs to win them back if it's ever going to grow again. Ending its soul-leasing deal with Microsoft would free Yahoo up to innovate in one area most associated with the brand. Yes, Google is the 400-megaton gorilla in the room, but ceding the search-engine war when you're primary business is advertising is like saying you'll fight, but you're leaving the heavy weapons at home.
Yahoo has a problem with its products: It's always chasing its competition. Typically, an innovator or competitor will launch a service, then Yahoo will follow much later with a similar product that's inferior. And its core services (search, email) were quickly outclassed by more nimble and focused players. Think Flipboard vs. Livestand, Gmail vs. Yahoo Mail and Digg vs. Yahoo Buzz. Over the past six or seven years, Yahoo has been the ultimate me-too digital brand.
Even though some of those services have improved (notably Mail), a bunch of disparate services does not a platform make. This is something Facebook, Amazon and Google understand, but Yahoo doesn't. Yahoo has a bunch of people using its services, but they're not connected in any meaningful way. Yahoo needs to find its focus going forward -- maybe it's the multitude of niche and hyper-local Groups that are still very popular -- and start uniting its suite of products around that. And it needs some good ones.
When AOL bought The Huffington Post, it was a questionable decision, but it was a strong move forward in the company's plan to rechristen itself as a media company. It also got people talking about the brand again. Yahoo needs an equivalent action to really assert itself either as an innovator or serious player in the media business. Acquiring the right startup or small-but-growing company (I'm looking at you, Tumblr) could give Yahoo direction, attention and something it's in short supply of -- cool.
As much as it may have wanted to at one point, Yahoo can't compete in every digital arena. Part of Thompson's challenge will be to give the aging brand some focus. To do that he should get out of some areas (not search, though) and declare peace with competitors. That will put the company in a position to make deals with other big players and build powerful alliances.
It's already started doing this. Yahoo killed its me-too deals service after a few short months last year, so now might be a good time a partnership with Groupon, which could use the help after that firm'sshaky IPO. Yahoo made a strategic deal with Facebook in 2010, and it might be worth expanding that. LinkedIn is another company, at least demographic-wise, that might be a good match. Mobile is clearly an area that Yahoo wants to grow in, and there are some key players (Microsoft, RIM, Nokia, Sony) that would also love to take a bite out of Apple and Google. Time to fire up Yahoo Messenger and ping some others in the CEO club.