On 19th anniversary of Cesar Chavez’ death, fight to strike down SB 1070 Cesar Chavez was short with dark Indian features, black hair, brown eyes and a soft Spanish accent. He dressed very much like the farm workers to whom he dedicated his life. Would Cesar Chavez have been suspect under SB 1070 in the state of his birth? Unfortunately the answer, for Cesar and so many Latinos, is yes. To call attention to the issue, the UFW Foundation, the Radio Campesina radio network, and Promise Arizona will hold a vigil tonight at AZ's capitol in Phoenix. If you are in the area, please join us. If not, join us virtually by signing our Si Se Puede Votar! pledge. Be part of making Cesar's dream a living legacy by signing our pledge to assist in some way to fight SB 1070 and other laws around the country that are unjust. Pledge to volunteer, become citizens or help others become citizens and of course vote. The message is clear: “Si Se Puede Votar!” The Supreme Court is expected to announce its ruling on SB1070 in mid to late June. Your participation will demonstrate to the Supreme Court and the nation the importance of striking down Arizona’s law. | Vigil on anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s death two days before U.S. high court hears arguments over SB 1070 Who: Hundreds of activists and supporters. What: Staging a vigil two days before a Supreme Court hearing on the challenge to SB 1070 on the 19th anniversary of Cesar Chavez’s passing. When: Monday, April 23, 2012: Make your donation to continue Cesar Chavez’ dream for farm workers. Any amount you give will help to improve the lives of farm workers and their families. |
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