Monday, April 2, 2012

As Tax Day Nears, Take Action to End U.S. Aid to Israel !!

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End the Occupation
Monday, April 2, 2012   
Dear Friends,

This year, the average taxpayer will give Israel an estimated $21.59 in weapons to entrench its illegal, 44-year military occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, East Jerusalem, and Gaza Strip and to enable its apartheid policies toward Palestinians who live under occupation, as second-class citizens of Israel, or as refugees denied their internationally-recognized human right of return to their homes from which they were dispossessed.  

At the US Campaign, we understand the central role that U.S. weapons play in maintaining this unacceptable situation, which is why we are campaigning to end U.S. aid to Israel.

As Tax Day approaches, here are some actions for you to take to help us hold Israel accountable for violating U.S. and international laws with the weapons we as taxpayers provide:

“Offset” the taxes that you’ll be giving in weapons to Israel this year by making a tax-deductible contribution to the US Campaign to strengthen our campaign to end aid to Israel. 

U.S. Military Aid to Israel: Policy Implications & Options

For a limited time, when you donate to this campaign, we’ll send you a copy of our newly-released policy paper laying out the political, economic, strategic, and human rights rationale for ending U.S. aid to Israel.

Write your Members of Congress to oppose $3.1 billion in military aid earmarked for Israel in the 2013 budget. Use our sample letter or write your own.  


Receive a free organizing packet in the mail with postcards, fliers, fact sheets, petitions and more to educate and organize people in your community to end U.S. aid to Israel. Use the materials on Tax Day, April 17, as people gather at the local post office to file their taxes at the last minute or on any other occasion. 

Click to see an interactive mapWe’ve sent organizing packets to activists in 49 states and more than 990 cities.  Help us reach our goal of all 50 states (calling all North Dakota activists, we need you!) and 1,000+ cities by Tax Day. Sign up here for a packet.  

Since we launched our policy paper,

 “U.S. Aid to Israel:  Policy Implications & Options,” last month at the Palestine Center in Washington, DC, we’ve been in California and Florida educating and organizing audiences to end aid to Israel. 

Check out the video from our policy paper launch at the Palestine Center below.

click to watch video

If you’d like to bring the US Campaign to your city to educate and organize people to end aid to Israel, let us know by clicking here.


Tax Day is a great time to call for a meeting with your group and/or with members of your community to start planning a local campaign to get your city council to pass a resolution to end U.S. aid to Israel and redirect the money to unmet community needs. We’ve got an organizing guide to help you and we’ve even got matching funds available for qualifying groups.  

Let us know if you’d like the US Campaign to come to your city to train and strategize with your group about launching a city council campaign.

And, don’t forget, you can always visit our websites and to learn how much money your community is giving in weapons to Israel and the devastating impact these weapons have on Palestinians living under Israel’s military occupation.

As Tax Day approaches, thanks for taking action to strengthen our campaign to end U.S. taxpayer-funded weapons transfers to Israel.


Josh Ruebner
National Advocacy Director


Take these actions:

1. "Offset" your taxes in aid to Israel.

2. Write your Members of Congress opposing $3.1 billion in aid to Israel in the 2013 budget.

3. Get a packet to educate and organize people to end aid to Israel. 

4. Bring us to your city to educate and organize to end aid to Israel.

5. Organize a campaign to get your city council to pass a resolution to end aid to Israel.

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The US Campaign aims to change U.S. policies that sustain Israel's 44-year occupation of the Palestinian West Bank, Gaza Strip and East Jerusalem, and that deny equal rights for all.



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