Friday, May 11, 2012

"Our Climate, Our Future"

Support renewable energy and energy efficiency, energy access for all, and end fossil-fuel subsidies

To be delivered to the world leaders at the Rio+20 UN Conference on Sustainable Development

Dear World Leaders:

We, the youngest generation, raise our voices in unity with Earth Day Network’s “Global Energy Petition.” Our generation has been, and will be, the most affected by the impacts of climate change. Yet, without the ability to vote, and without the money to pay powerful lobbyists in Congress, we lack the influence required to make our future a priority to lawmakers. This petition allows our voice to count. 

We demand the following: 
a. A safe future-- We demand that our governments adopt renewable energy and energy efficiency targets that will reduce global carbon emissions.
b. Equitable distribution of energy-- We demand that all people, in all regions, have access to renewable energy and energy efficiency technology.
c. An end to subsidy money for fossil fuel corporations-- Oil and coal companies are among the richest corporations on the planet, richer than certain countries combined. They do NOT need government money and it makes it unfair for solar and wind and other renewable energy companies to compete.

The window for action is narrowing while the impacts of a changing climate are only intensifying. We, the youth, hereby call upon you, our world leaders, to “lead as if our future matters” by setting us on the path to sustainability, a path built by green jobs, and a path filled with clean air, clean water, and intact ecosystems for generations to come. We have been relying on fossil fuels for over a century and now is the time to change. 

For every year that we wait, for every hour that we stall, the future and survival of the youngest generation--and that of generations to come—is jeopardized. Now is not the time for incremental action. At this defining juncture in human history, we ask you--our world leaders—to commit to providing the security and opportunity for our generation that you were given by your predecessors. 

We call on you to accept the responsibility you have to protect the people you lead and the planet we share. 

With Trust,

The youngest generation who represents your children and grandchildren


Rally Image

Bailout future generations!

2012 iMatter Legislative Action

It’s time to lift the veil on the “invisible empire” of bank bail-outs, corporate personhood, and big oil buy-outs of Congress that seems to control the legislative process in the US. The United States government stands in the way of international treaties and progress on renewable energies. So, it’s important for the global youth movement to support not only international policies but also to unite with US youth as they work to resist the corporate stranglehold on climate change legislation.

We can no longer stand by as our futures are being auctioned off to the highest bidder. We need the US Congress to bail out future generations, not banks and car companies. We may not be able to vote or pay for lobbyists but we do have the constitutional right to petition to be heard, demand accountability, and even introduce bills that protect our planet and our future. .

3 ways to get involved. Insist on a real democracy. Your future Matters.

Marching Orders

To mobilize legislative action.


Sign this global petition to demand that world leaders agree to provide a safe future, equitable distribution of energy, and an end to subsidies for fossil fuel. Your Signature Matters!

Sign the Petition


After the Rally to Celebrate Global Warming on Earth Day 2012, sign up for a lobby day in DC, if you’re close by or in your community! Demand a change in politics as usual! Lift the veil on climate change.

Visit our Earth Day Page


If you’re young, want to take your activism to the next level, and enjoy public speaking, sign up for the Kickactivist Council! You will be on the front lines, lobbying in D.C. or in your own state. If you have an interest in legislation and want to be part of creating a bill, this is your destination.

iMatter Youth Council Facebook Page

The Girl who silenced the World for Five minutes

At the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, twenty years ago, a 13-year-old girl named Severn Suzuki made this statement that brought the world leaders to tears.  And yet, in the twenty years since then...during our entire lives... nothing has changed.  In fact, the planet is even worse off, and in more need for our protection than ever. We need our world leaders to unite and stand up for us.

Take action now

With Trust,
The youngest generation, your children and grandchildren

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