Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Family of Secrets ! / Who What Why !!

Bush v. Baker: Battle of the Books—and the Truth

Investigative journalist Russ Baker provides the stunning counter-story to what’s in George W. Bush’s new book.

Russ Baker, Borders Books, San Francisco, 2010, on digging deep and making a difference.

Russ Baker, Borders Books, San Francisco, 2010, on digging deep and making a difference.

Russ Baker on New York Times reporters’ “revolt” – and the limitations of the corporate owned media

Russ Baker Talks Occupy Wall Street With Thom Hartmann, Nov. 9, 2011

Russ Baker Talks Occupy Wall Street With Thom Hartmann, Nov. 9, 2011.


Investigative journalist Russ Baker talks about his book ( ) and his news project at a talk in Santa Fe, New Mexico.


Is Israel Really Iran’s Main Adversary? The West Doth Protest Too Much

Is Israel Really Iran’s Main Adversary? The West Doth Protest Too Much
We’re being told that Israel is itching to take out the Iranian regime. But there are other players behind the scenes. And their warnings to Israel not to launch an attack on Tehran sound hollow.

Burn This: Biofuel Farmed From Seaweed

Burn This: Biofuel Farmed From Seaweed
‘Ground-breaking’ scientific research could unleash the huge potential of aquatic biomass in creating a sustainable energy supply.

Must-Watch Video On Romney’s Flip-Flops

Must-Watch Video on Romney’s Flip-Flops
Oboy. You can’t make this stuff up. If politicians are flipfloppers, then Romney is hosting the world’s biggest pancake breakfast.

CLOSE READING: The Saudis, A Twitter Investment, And The End Of Arab Spring?

<strong>CLOSE READING:</strong> The Saudis, a Twitter Investment, and the End of Arab Spring?
Recently, Twitter announced it would restrict tweets in countries where the government declares the tweets illegal. That troubling announcement was treated by the American media as a blip. But is it a blip? Or is it a crisis for freedom everywhere? And did a huge investment in Twitter by a Saudi prince have anything to do with the move?

Wag The Seal

Wag the Seal
The Navy SEAL raid that rescued an American woman in Somalia is heartening. But who is really being rescued in these very occasional high-profile media events?

Ten Questions On Romney’s Taxes

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